The Hidden History of Things is an invitation to shift perceptions around how we view material objects.
It's an offering to question, reflect and reconsider what we accumulate and why.
What does it mean to hold onto something from the past and how does the accumulation of specific objects contribute and inform the life narratives we shape ?
In this project we collected and then gave away personal objects of significance from a range of donators. Objects were anonymously displayed in an enclosed Cabinet at the Chapel Street Baazar, with their personal accompanying story.
Vewers (both intentional and accidental) of the object collection were then invited to apply via a hand written invitation, to be the next owner of the object.
The cabinet Display was on Display within the Chapel Street Baazar from August 11th to 2nd October, and over 60 objects and stories were displayed on a fortnightly rotation. This was a site responsive investigation commissioned by Melbourne Fringe Festival, 2015.